Keyword: boulder
O penedo dos cágados APL 598
MOURA, José Carlos Duarte, Contos, Mitos e Lendas da Beira, , A Mar Arte, 1996, 65 Vila Velha De Ródão (VILA VELHA DE RÓDÃO)This legend says that Our Lady went to fetch this enormous cylindrical boulder from the top of the mountain and that she carried it on her head until down the …
Lenda da Fraga do Lebisomem APL 793
PARAFITA, Alexandre, Património Imaterial do Douro - Narrações Orais (contos, lendas, mitos) Vol. 1, , Fundação Museu do Douro, 2007, 206 Tabuaço (TABUAÇO)The Boulder of the Werewolf lies at the bottom of Tabuaço, when one leaves the village and goes to Fradinho, facing the farm of Sainça. It is very difficult to …
Lenda da Senhora da Ribeira APL 292
ALVES, Maria da Piedade Lopes, Memória e Tradições, , DREC - CAEV coord. concelhia de Carregal do Sal, 1995, 33 Parada (CARREGAL DO SAL)An image is found on a boulder on the right margin of the river Mondego, in the parish of Parada. The population of the village of Sevilha (borough of Tabua, …