Keyword: olive tree
Carnaxide APL 1518
PINHO LEAL, Augusto Soares d'Azevedo Barbosa de, Portugal Antigo e Moderno, , Livraria Editora Tavares Cardoso & Irmão, 2006 [1873], tomo II, p. 112-113 Carnaxide (OEIRAS)A group of boys discover human bones inside a cave. The day after, someone finds, in the same location, an image of the Virgin, which is stolen later. On the …
Da milagrosa Imagem de nossa Senhora da Oliveira do lugar de Matacaens APL 1453
AGOSTINHO DE SANTA MARIA, Fr., Santuário Mariano, , Imperitura, 2007 [1711], tomo VII, parte II, Ch. IV, pp. 200-206 Matacães (TORRES VEDRAS)Image of Our Lady appears on a huge olive tree, and disappears as soon as one attempts to fetch it her and take it to the local church. People take …
Lenda da Senhora de Alagada (2) APL 1136
HENRIQUES, Francisco , Contos Populares e Lendas dos Cortelhões e dos Plingacheiros, , Associação de Estudos do Alto Tejo, 2001, 306 Vila Velha De Ródão (VILA VELHA DE RÓDÃO)It is said that the image of Our Lady of Alagada (of the Flood) appeared in the hole of an olive tree, in the place where her chapel stands today. …