Keyword: toponym
Lenda da Fraga do Lebisomem APL 793
PARAFITA, Alexandre, Património Imaterial do Douro - Narrações Orais (contos, lendas, mitos) Vol. 1, , Fundação Museu do Douro, 2007, 206 Tabuaço (TABUAÇO)The Boulder of the Werewolf lies at the bottom of Tabuaço, when one leaves the village and goes to Fradinho, facing the farm of Sainça. It is very difficult to …
Lenda de Santo Amaro de Ponta Delgada APL 1419
FURTADO-BRUM, Ângela, Açores: Lendas e outras histórias, , Ribeiro & Caravana editores, 1999, 268-269 Ponta Delgada (SANTA CRUZ DAS FLORES)A beautiful statue of St. Amaro was deposited by the sea on the stones near the shore. The image was taken to the parish church but it reappeared down at …