APL 567 A mulher e os anjos
There was in Mata a lady called Maria Isabel whom people said had the power of talking with the angels. This lady sat at the doorway and gathered around children and adolescents and she would tell them what the generation of their children and grandchildren was going to have: that the women would follow men as the dogs follow the bitches; that there would be as many cars in the air as there were on the ground. When she said this she hadn't seen any automobile. There would be many shoes without a heel, skirts shorted to the middle of the legs an later with one palm in length. Women would marry one day and leave their husbands the next day. There would be many horses without bowels and an enormous electricity in the air as on the ground. The children would laugh when she said this and said she was crazy. She did not mind and would just say that what she said was true. The they would come back an ask her who told her this. She replied that it was the angels who told her all this, when they came at night to cut her toenails.
Havia na Mata, uma senhora chamada Maria Isabel que dizem as pessoas tinha o poder de falar com os anjos. Essa senhora sentava-se à porta, juntando as crianças e adolescentes em seu redor e contava-lhes o que a geração dos seus filhos e netos ia ter. Dizia ela na altura que as mulheres iam andar atrás dos homens como os cães atrás das cadelas. Havia de haver tantos carros no ar como no chão.
Quando dizia isto ainda não tinha visto nenhum automóvel. Havia de haver muitos sapatos sem calcanhar, saias pela meia perna e mais tarde saias com um palmo. As mulheres haviam de casar hoje e abandonar o seu marido para outro ao fim de uns tempos. Havia de haver muitos cavalos sem tripas e uma electricidade muito grande tanto no ar como no chão. Os miúdos riam-se quando ela dizia isto, chamando-a mesmo de maluca. Ela não ligava e dizia apenas que era verdade. Então voltavam a perguntar-lhe quem lhe contava. Ela respondia que eram os anjos que lhe contavam tudo, quando de noite lhe vinham cortar as unhas dos pés.
- Source
- MOURA, José Carlos Duarte Contos, Mitos e Lendas da Beira , A Mar Arte, 1996 , p.20-21
- Place of collection