APL 947 A paixão misteriosa (outra versão)

It is told that a group of four boys was driving down the road of the  border in Barcelos. They then saw a girl who was alking along the road. As it was raining hard, they offered her a lift and she accepted. The girl told them that she was on her way to fulfil a vow and that she dwelled in a village nearby. As she was cold as she was soaked, one of the boys lent her his coat for her to get warmer.
When they passed by the village she asked to be dropped there. And so it was. She thanked them and she vanished. Further ahead the boy realised he did not have the coat he had lent the mysterious girl. But he did not know how to find her, for she had not given her name and in the locality where she had been dropped no-one knew her. It was then that they found a piece of paper with an address on the car seat and they decided to go and look for her.
When they arrived at that given address they asked for the girl and they found her mother. She told them that she had died and told them she had been run over in such and such a place, which was the place where they had met her hitch-hiking.  As they could not believe it the girl's mother took them to the churchyard, where they could confirm that it was her because of her photograph over the grave. Hanging on the marble cross they found the wet coat.

Conta-se que um grupo de quatro rapazes descia de carro a estrada da Fronteira, em Barcelos. Então viram uma rapariga que caminhava pela estrada. Como chovia muito, ofereceram-lhe boleia e esta aceitou. A rapariga contou que tinha ido cumprir uma promessa e que morava numa aldeia ali perto. Como tinha frio, pois estava molhada, um dos rapazes emprestou-lhe a casaca para se aquecer.
Ao passarem pela aldeia, pediu que a deixassem ficar ali. Assim foi. Agradeceu a ajuda e desapareceu. Mais à frente, o rapaz sentiu a falta da casaca que tinha emprestado à rapariga misteriosa. Mas não sabia como encontrá-la, pois ela não disse como se chamava e no local onde a deixaram ninguém a conhecia. Foi então que encontraram um papel com uma morada no assento do carro e decidiram ir procurá-la.
Ao chegarem ao local indicado, perguntaram pela rapariga e encontraram a mãe. Esta contou-lhes que a filha tinha morrido há alguns anos. Eles perguntaram de que morrera e ela disse-lhes que tinha sido atropelada em tal lugar, ou seja, no sítio onde a encontram a pedir boleia. Como eles não acreditassem, a mãe da rapariga levou-os ao cemitério, onde puderam confirmar que era ela pela fotografia do túmulo. Pendurada na cruz de mármore estava a casaca molhada.

AA. VV., - Literatura Portuguesa de Tradição Oral , Projecto Vercial - Univ. Trás -os-Montes e Alto Douro, 2003 , p.AP8
Place of collection
Úrsula Maciel (F)
20 Century, 90s
Unsure / Uncommitted
